2022 Municipal Campaign Financial Statements
By March 31, 2023 all candidates are required to submit their campaign financial statements. If an eligible elector believes that a candidate has contravened the election finance rules, they may apply for a compliance audit of their campaign finances. The application must be in writing and must set out the reasons why they believe there is a contravention of the rules and must be received within 90 days of the filing deadline.
2022 Municipal Election Candidate Financial Statements Submitted - Click here
2022 Maximum Campaign Limits - Final
Candidate Financial Statement - Form 4 to Print
Candidate Financial Statement - Form 4 - online fill
Unofficial List of Candidates - Click Here *Updated August 19, 2022 at 2:52 pm
**Information Updates Sent to Candidates
Council Member Time Commitment |
General information on time commitment can be found as referenced on page 13 of the Candidate Information Package (in the drop down below) which states the following: "The time commitment can be significant. In addition to two council meetings per month, this may include sitting on committees, public meetings and events to take part in, as well as considerable time spent talking with and responding to the residents. The amount of time required to prepare for a Council or committee meeting can be several hours per week due to the number of lengthy reports to be read in advance. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor also sit on Grey County Council which requires additional meetings and research time. The Grey Highlands Council current time commitment consists of (but is not limited to):
The above list is required for all members of Council, however individual members may be appointed to other committees and organizations on behalf of Council. In addition to what is included in the Candidate Information Package, information is provided below based on appointments as of May 2022.
The number of Grey Highlands appointments varies based on interest and the number of Committees that Council deems required. Appointments are divvied up among the Council members. The current list of Committees and Boards includes:
Council also appoints members to external organizations. If appointed to an external organization, meeting dates, times and locations will vary. The current list of external appointments by different members of Council include:
Candidate Information Package | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Notice of Nomination/Registration - Candidates and Third Party Advertisers Click here for Nomination Papers. Click here for Endorsement Papers. Note: Nomination Papers must be accompanied by at least 25 signatures of endorsement. See the Candidate Information Package for more information. Understand Candidate Campaign Finances Use of Corporate Resources Policy A-09-C-04 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - 2022 Candidates Guide Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - 2022 Third Party Advertisers Guide
2022 Municipal Election, Candidate and Third Party Advertiser Information Session On April 20, Clerks from Grey County and the local municipalities hosted an information session for potential municipal candidates. The session included presentations from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), and Grey County. You can find a full recording of the session here or for more information check the County of Grey's website. |
Council Member Compensation |
On April 20, 2022 Council updated the Council Compensation Policy as well as the Council Conference, Education and Training Policy to come into effect upon the commencement of the new term of Council. For the 2022-2026 Council Term, Members are provided with an annual base salary based on position. The annual base salary is provided to members to compensate for the work of the member in order to discharge the official duties including but not limited to attendance at meetings related to Departmental Liaison duties; up to 60 meetings inclusive of Council, Committee of the Whole, Special Council, Public Planning Hearings; optional special events, engagements, functions; constituent meetings; and invited attendee meetings. The annual base salary for 2022-2026: Mayor: $39,500 Deputy Mayor: $29,500 Councillor: $22,500 *Note: The Mayor and Deputy Mayor also sit on Grey County Council and are provided additional compensation from the County. In addition to the annual base salary, Members also receive mileage and a per diem amount for attendance at meetings of committees, boards and external organizations to which they are appointed by Council and mileage for attendance at meetings included in the annual base salary. The full policies are available below: |
Am I eligible to run as a Candidate in this election? |
Running for Municipal Council
You must be eligible to vote in the municipality in order to run for a position on council. (See Voters page for eligibility) On the day you file your nomination, you must be a Canadian citizen aged 18 or older, and qualify as a resident or non-resident elector. You must be eligible to hold office on the day you file your nomination. For example, a person who is 17 years old but will turn 18 before the end of the nomination period must wait until they have turned 18 to file their nomination. You must file Form 1 (nomination paper) and Form 2 (25 endorsements) when you submit your nomination along with the appropriate fee. Running for School Board Trustee In order to run for a trustee position on a school board you must be a resident within the jurisdiction of the board, and you must be eligible to vote in a school board election. On the day you file your nomination, you must be a Canadian citizen aged 18 or older, and you must meet any other qualifications to vote for the school board (for example, being a Roman Catholic, or holding French language rights). You must file Form 1 (nomination paper) and pay the appropriate fee when you submit your paperwork.
Running for Election as a School Board Trustee Information Package |
How does nomination work? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When and how is nomination done? Candidates who intend to run in the 2022 Municipal Election must file all of the necessary documentation along with the required filing fee during the nomination period, which runs from Monday, May 2, 2022 through Friday August 19, 2022 at 2 pm. Nomination Day on Friday, August 19, 2022 is the last day to file a nomination, by 2:00 pm sharp. Filing must be done in person or by an agent (not by mail, email or fax) with the Clerk at 206 Toronto Street South Markdale, ON during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). Nomination forms are now available on our website.
Please ensure you bring your completed Form 1 and Form 2 when you attend the office to file your nomination. When filing, we will also request that the following forms are filled out:
What positions can I run for? The 2022 Municipal Election is for the following positions:
Can I nominate myself? Yes, you may nominate yourself. Even if another person recommends you for the position, you must complete all the paperwork and be present to file your nomination or file through an agent. You must also obtain and submit the signatures of 25 people eligible to vote in the 2018 Grey Highlands elections who support your nomination. What if I change my mind after I have submitted my nomination paperwork and want to withdraw or switch to a different position? A person may withdraw his or her nomination by filing a written Withdrawal of Nomination in the Clerk's Office before Friday August 19, 2022 at 2 pm. If you wish to run for a different position, you must re-file your nomination paperwork in the Clerk's Office before Friday august 19, 2022 at 2 pm, which will trigger your original nomination to be withdrawn. You do not need to submit different signatures from the ones you submitted with your initial nomination. |
What do I need to know about campaigning? |
Can I use the Grey Highlands logo or photos from a Municipal website or social media site on my campaign materials? No, candidates may not use the municipal logo or other corporate images on their own websites (including social media), campaign literature, lawn signs, buttons, clothing or other campaign material. Candidates MAY re-tweet/share a municipal social media post or share a link from the Grey Highlands websites on their own websites including social media. Candidates wishing to share information/pages from the Grey Highlands official websites must do so by providing links rather than screen captures. Can I campaign at public events? You may not campaign at events that are hosted by the Municipality. These include but are not limited to public information sessions or open houses. Wearing a campaign T-shirt, hat, button or other apparel is considered campaigning. You may campaign at private events hosted on rented public property with the permission of the event organizer. Can I have a campaign office? You may set up a campaign office on private property. Please be aware that you may not put up signs on the exterior or in the windows of the office that promote your candidacy prior to the date when signs are permitted. Prior to that date, signs may state your name only. When can I begin campaigning? Your campaign period begins as soon as you file your nomination papers with the Municipal Office. After your paperwork is filed you can commence your campaign, however you cannot place your election signs in the Municipality until after Nomination Day on August 19th as per the Election Sign By-law. |
Forms |
All FormsMinistry of Municipal Affairs and Housing FormsForm 2 - Endorsement of Nomination Form 4 - Financial Statement - Auditor's Report Candidate Form 5 - Financial Statement - Subsequent Expenses Form 6 - Notice of Extension of Campaign Period Form 7 - Notice of Registration - Third Party Form 8 - Financial Statement - Auditor's Report Third Party Form 9 - Declaration of Identity Grey Highlands FormsGH-EL02 - Declaration of Qualifications - School Board Trustee GH-EL12(A) - Appointment of Scrutineer by Candidate GH-EL12(B) - Oral Oath of Secrecy GH-EL14 - Candidate's Declaration - Proper Use of Voters' List GH-EL15 - Application of Amend Voters List GH-EL19 - Withdrawl of Nomination GH-EL35 - Notice of Offence - Notice of Corrupt Practice |
Candidate Q & A - Responses to Candidate Questions |
What is involved in being on Municipal Council? As a Councillor, you have representative, policy-making and stewardship roles to play in your municipality. Often these roles will overlap. You will be called on to consider and make decisions on issues that will sometimes be complex and controversial. Most of those decisions will have long-term consequences for your municipality that extend beyond your four-year term of office, and should be made in the context of your municipality’s directions for the long-term health and welfare of your community. The time commitment can be significant. In addition to two council meetings per month, this may include sitting on committees, public meetings and events to take part in, as well as considerable time spent talking with and responding to the residents. The amount of time required to prepare for a Council or committee meeting can be several hours per week due to the number of lengthy reports to be read in advance. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor also sit on Grey County Council. I know that candidates are not allowed to campaign on municipal property, however, am I allowed to rent a municipal facility for a meet and greet? Policy A09-C-04 provides that no candidates shall use the facilities, equipment, supplies, Are the completed Nomination Forms and Endorsement Forms public information? According to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, both of these forms must be made available for public inspection. These forms will not be posted on the municipal website, however they are available for viewing at the Municipal office. Can businesses display my campaign signs without registering as a third-party advertiser? There is no restriction on who can display one of your signs. Third Party Advertisers are those that spend money and do their own campaign for or against a candidate running in the election. Do we needed to include information on who is responsible for signs and other advertisements on our campaign material? After consulting with the Ministry, some municipalities are requesting specific information to be included on candidate election signs, however it is not necessary based on the wording of the legislation. The additional wording was put into the legislation in order to ensure distinguishing between third party advertising and candidate signs. Third party advertisers are required to put specific information on their signs: specifically Mandatory information in advertisement (2) An election campaign advertisement purchased by or under the direction of a candidate shall identify the candidate. 2016, c. 15, s. 47. |
Candidate Information Emails |
The Municipality provides equal information to all candidates. If one candidate asks a question, all candidates will receive the information provided. The information contained below was emailed to all candidates through the email address on file on the date indicated.
Good afternoon, I would like to thank everyone for running and being a part of the 2022 Grey Highlands Municipal Election. Congratulations to our new Council-elect and I look forward to working with each of you in the 2022-2026 Term. You can look for a separate email from me coming soon with details on what you can expect.
Wrapping up your Campaign After voting day, remove any election signs that have been put up and take down your campaign website, if you have one. If you would like to keep using your website, remove any references to the campaign. Websites that say “Vote for me” which are left up for years after the election can make it look like you are attempting to campaign for the next election early. Usually, campaigns must end on December 31. However, since December 31, 2022 is a Saturday, the deadline moves to January 3, 2023. Your campaign must end on January 3, 2023 unless you have a deficit and inform the clerk in writing that you are going to extend your campaign. Once your campaign has ended, you should close your campaign bank account and prepare your campaign financial statement. Financial statements must be filed with the clerk by 2 p.m. on Friday, March 31, 2023. Once your campaign financial statement has been received by the deadline, the Municipality will mail you a cheque to refund your nomination fee paid. All Candidates, regardless of outcome of the election, are required to submit their campaign finance report to the Municipality. Campaign finance report must be completed on the supplied form. The form may be submitted electronically by email to clerk@greyhighlands.ca. If accepted, you will receive a reply email indicating it has been accepted. If the form is not legible in electronic format, you may be required to bring it in in-person.
If you fail to file a financial statement by the end of the 30-day grace period or fail to apply to the court before March 31, 2023 for an extension by the filing deadline; or If your financial statement shows that you exceeded your spending limit; or If you fail to turn over your surplus to the clerk when you file your financial statement You automatically forfeit your office (if you won the election) and you become ineligible to run or be appointed to fill a vacancy until after the 2026 election.
Q: If I throw an after-election party, can I use donations to help cover costs and do I need to declare all expenses for the party? What can be included as a party expense? A: S.88.19 (3) of the MEA: “Without restricting the generality of subsections (1) and (2), the following amounts are expenses:… 6. The cost of holding parties and making other expressions of appreciation after the close of voting”. You were provided with the maximum amount you can spend for parties on your campaign maximum form. Your use of the term donation, I am assuming you mean contributions to your campaign and contributions can be used to pay for expenses. The Municipality can not advise on what is and isn’t classified as an expense beyond what is included in the MEA: “88.19 (1) For the purposes of this Act, costs incurred for goods or services by or under the direction of a person wholly or partly for use in his or her election campaign are expense.”
Q: Can donations go towards gas used to travel to meetings, door knocking, signage, etc? A: In this answer, I am going to assume that by donations – the inquiry was meaning contributions to the account: As per the MMAH 2022 Candidates Guide: “Campaign contributions are any money, goods or services that are given to you for use in your campaign, including money and goods that you contribute to yourself. Only a contribution that is $25 or less can be made in cash and you may accept such donations without keeping track of who gave them to you. You will have to report the total amount of money that you received from these donations on your financial statement. All contributions above $25 must be made by cheque, money order or by a method that clearly shows where the funds came from (such as certain debit, credit or electronic transfer transactions). You must issue a receipt for every contribution you receive. The receipt should show who made the contribution, the date and the value.” The Municipality can not advise on what specifically is and isn’t a campaign expense.
Q: If I have a surplus of donated money, what do I do with it? Note: Ending your campaign with a deficit may result in questions being raised about how expenses were paid for, and whether you contributed more than your self-funding limit by paying outstanding expenses with personal funds.” Campaign Signs Q: When do my campaign signs have to be removed? A: Election Signs must be removed within 7 days of the Election. Therefore, signs must be removed by October 31, 2022. If you have collected your signs and notice some are unaccounted for, please contact the Municipal Office as some may have been turned in if they had been collected due to blowing over or other such issues. (We still have some here from the advanced Voting day as well). If you do not collect your signs from the Municipal Office by November 3, 2022, they will be discarded.
Helpful guides: Municipal Elections Act: SO 1996, c 32, Sch | Municipal Elections Act, 1996 | CanLII Please let me know if you require anything further. 2022-10-21Good afternoon Candidates, I will be checking emails throughout the weekend in case anyone needs assistance with the voting process or getting a Voter Information Letter. What can you expect on Voting Day? The Municipal Office is open from 8:30 am until 8:00 pm on Monday October 24, 2022. Any elector who is unable to vote electronically, or has not received the Voter Information Letter with their voting credentials can attend the Municipal Office during that time and we will assist them to obtain a Voter Information Letter, or allow them to vote by paper ballot. At 8:00 pm, the doors to the Office will be locked. Any Candidate (or their scrutineer) that wishes to be in attendance for the close of vote and announcement of the results MUST be present at 8 pm. ***We will be LIVE STREAMING the results reporting process on our website*** Results will be tabulated no sooner than 8:15 pm. This allows time for any elector who is inside the doors as of 8 pm, or who have logged into the online system just prior to 8 pm, time to complete their vote before the system is closed. As soon as possible after 8:15 pm, we will go live and the results will be printed from both the tabulator and the online system. Staff will input the tabulated numbers into the spreadsheet which will be shown to all on the screen in real time as the tabulation occurs. The unofficial results will be posted immediately to the Municipal Website here: https://www.greyhighlands.ca/en/elections/elections-2022.aspx The direct link to the live stream can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3owFKHzDqJQ Let me know if you have any questions. 2022-10-20Good morning, <Attached Form GH-EL31 notice of Penalty> 2022-10-18Good afternoon Candidates, Less than a week until Election Day!!! Some info: Voter Assistance - If you come across any electors who have not yet received their Voter Information Letters, have them call the Municipal Office (519) 986-2811 ext. 0 or email clerks@greyhighlands.ca and we will assist them. The easiest method is if they are able to come in to the office, but if that is not possible, we have can offer other accommodations as may be needed. If someone wants to vote before Monday but does not have internet, they can attend the Municipal Office during regular business hours where we have a tablet available for online voting or they can attend the Library where there is a dedicated computer for voting purposes. In-person Voting on Election Day: With Election Day on Monday, the in-person voting is only at the Municipal Office from 10 am – 8 pm. We do not know what to anticipate for the number of people wanting to vote in person on that day and are really hoping the online voting numbers increase over the coming week so we do not have long lines on Election day at the Municipal Office. For information, we have had over 1400 electors vote already. I do not know how that compares to this point in previous elections as we do not have that data from previous years. Voter’s List: MPAC has provided the Voter’s List for this election. It is anticipated that this will be the last time that MPAC compiles the list, as Elections Ontario is slated to create the Municipal Voter’s list moving forward. Important Dates: Monday, October 24 – Paper ballots can be cast at the Municipal Office from 10 am to 8 pm. Unofficial results released ASAP after the close of voting. Wednesday, November 2, 2022 – potential Training Day for Council Elect Wednesday, November 16, 2022 - potential Training Day for Council Elect Wednesday, November 23, 2022 - potential Training Day for Council Elect Wednesday, November 30 – Joint Council Orientation Day 1 - hosted by Grey County Thursday, December 1, 2022 – Joint Council Orientation Day 2 - hosted by Grey County Monday, December 5, 2022 @ 7pm – Inaugural Council Meeting (Ceremonial Swearing-In of Office) Wednesday, December 7, 2022 @ 1 pm – First regular Council meeting of the new term of Council. Tuesday, January 3, 2023 – End of Election Campaign Period Friday, March 31, 2023 – Deadline for Filing Campaign Finance Report As always, if you have any questions, please let me know. 2022-10-14Good afternoon Candidates, For your information, just over 700 people have already voted in the 2022 Grey Highlands Municipal Election. This weekend staff will be at the Rocklyn Community Centre on Saturday and the Flesherton Kinplex on Sunday from 10am – 2pm.
Remember to remove your signs from the advanced voting location before the date of the advanced vote. 2022-10-12Good afternoon Candidates, Election Signs: If your sign was removed from the vicinity of the Osprey Arena and Community Centre during the Advanced Vote on Saturday, you can pick it up at the Municipal Office during regular business hours. Signs are not to be placed within 100m of voting place. This weekend the voting places will be at Rocklyn on Saturday and Flesherton on Sunday. Please make sure that you do not have any signs within 100m of the voting location before 9:30 am on those dates. The Voting Place includes the property and parking lots and is not just based on the door. I have attached a print out from the County GIS system showing a 100m buffer around each of the properties for your reference. Third Part Advertising: The Municipality currently does not have any Third-Party Advertisers registered. The definition of Third Party Advertiser is as follows: “third party advertisement” means an advertisement in any broadcast, print, electronic or other medium that has the purpose of promoting, supporting or opposing, (a) a candidate, or (b) a “yes” or “no” answer to a question referred to in subsection 8 (1), (2) or (3).” What is the process for challenging whether or not something is 3rd Party advertising? Response: Someone would have to petition the courts. Strike Off List: As candidates, you have access to a strike off list on a weekly basis. The first strike off list will be available on Friday and the second list will be available the following Friday. The strike-off list will provide you with the names of those that have already voted thus far in the Municipal Election. The list will be available to be loaded onto your USB stick or can be printed for you in a paper version. You must attend the Municipal Office to obtain your strike off list. Online Voting: Residents can vote anytime until 8pm on Monday October 24th using the ID and Pin they received in the mail. Internet voting is also available (in addition to paper ballots) at our advanced voting locations. The Grey Highlands Public Library also has a dedicated voting terminal for those that wish to vote electronically but do not have internet access at home. Advanced Voting Locations: There are only 2 more advanced voting days in Grey Highlands but residents can vote anytime online. Rocklyn on Saturday October 15th from 10 am - 2 pm Flesherton on Sunday October 16th from 10 am - 2 pm Regular Voting Day: October 24, 2022 from 10 am – 8 pm at the Municipal Office. We will have a tablet for online voting as well as accepting paper ballot voting as well. Returned Voter Information Letters: We have had quite a few Voter Information Letters returned by Canada Post due to incorrect mailing addresses. Remember, the Voter’s List is provided to the Municipality from MPAC and is not created by Municipal Records. It is also not the same list as Elections Ontario (yet). If you come across a resident who has not yet received their VIL, please advise them to come to the Municipal Office with ID and we can make sure they can vote. Alternatively, they can also attend the advanced vote locations and staff can assist them as well.
FYI: Copies of every Candidate Information Email I send is available on the Municipal elections website under the candidates tab. As always, if you require any assistance, please let me know. 2022-10-04Good evening Candidates, **PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE TO 1:00 PM FOR LOGIC AND ACCURACY TESTING TIME: 1:00 PM LOCATION: COUNCIL CHAMBERS – 206 TORONTO STREET SOUTH, MARKDALE In reply to the most recent email regarding Logic and Accuracy Testing scheduled for Thursday, I have been notified that a Candidate that attended the all candidates session on Saturday tested positive for COVID. In light of this, I would like to remind you all that you have the ability to appoint a Scrutineer to attend on your behalf if you were in contact with the candidate, are the candidate, or are uncomfortable in attending yourself. If you would like to appoint a scrutineer, but are currently isolating, or can’t get the forms filled out, please let me know and I will send a certified digital signature document for you to fill out for them to be approved to be in attendance on your behalf. 2022-10-03Good morning Candidates, Candidates OR their Scrutineers can attend to witness the testing if they like.
On Friday morning, you are welcome to be in attendance for the opening of the internet voting. We will start the internet system and print the zeroes report which verifies that there are no ballots cast prior to the open of voting. You (OR your scrutineer) are welcome to be in attendance. You must be in attendance no later that 9:45 to witness. If you wish to provide your own seal (tape) to place on the ballot box to ensure there is no tampering, you may do so provided that the name of the candidate is not written anywhere on the seal. At the close of each advance voting period, you have the opportunity to see the total number of ballots cast for the day, and seal of the ballot drop portion of the box. I have attached the form that is required to appoint a scrutineer here for your reference. Please note that at no time may a candidate AND their Scrutineer be in a voting place at the same time, unless one or the other is only in attendance to vote. Please also note that there is absolutely NO campaign materials permitted on the grounds of the voting place, which includes the parking lot. No buttons or pins or any other insignia bearing a Candidates name is permitted to be on the grounds, and no election signs are permitted to be placed within 100 metres of any voting location. This means that any signs placed within 100m (almost 330 feet) of the Feversham Community Centre, Markdale Community Centre, the Rocklyn Community Centre and the Flesherton Kinplex MUST be removed before the voting occurs. This includes any road sides within that distance from the property. If you have any questions, please let me know. 2022-09-16Good afternoon Candidates,
<< File: Tagging on Social Media.pdf >>
(a) resides in the local municipality or is the owner or tenant of land there, or the spouse of such owner or tenant; (b) is a Canadian citizen; (c) is at least 18 years old; and (d) is not prohibited from voting under subsection (3) or otherwise by law. 2002, c. 17, Sched. D, s. 5 (2); 2005, c. 5, s. 46 (1).
2022-09-07The following question was asked by a candidate:
The following information can be found in the MMAH 2022 Candidates guide: “Expenses must be paid from your campaign bank account. If you use a credit card to pay for purchases you should make sure that you keep clear records showing that the expense on the credit card was reimbursed from the campaign account.” 2022-08-25Good afternoon Candidates,
(ii) a total of $5,000 to two or more candidates for offices on the same council or local board.
distributed on any election materials or included on any election campaign related website, except in the case of a link to the Municipal web site to obtain information about the municipal election;
I cannot stress how important it is for you all to familiarize yourselves with the Municipal Elections Act. I will be away until September 7th, 2022. If you have any questions, please email clerks@greyhighlands.ca.
2022-08-22Good afternoon Candidates,
Please let me know if there are any issues.
2022-08-22Good morning Candidates, Now that nomination period has completed, I would like to confirm that you have been certified to be included on the ballot for the 2022 Municipal Election. A few reminders and information links for you to review:
Questions from a Candidate:
Third Party Advertiser Information:
What is a Third Party Advertisement? |
-A Third Party Advertisement is a message in any medium, i.e., signs, billboard, newspaper, radio, etc. promoting or opposing a candidate, or a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to a question, referendum, or an issue associated with a person or political party participating in an election. Advertising that does not cost money to post or broadcast, such as comments made on social media or email, is not considered a Third Party Advertisement. |
Compliance Audit Committee:
The municipalities of Grey County have established a joint committee of members who will serve on retainer and from whom sub-committees (Sitting Committees) will be established to address each application for a compliance audit and each instance of identified over-contribution.
The GCCAC was established in October 2018 and will continue until 2022.
Compliance Audit Committee - Terms of Reference
If you have any questions or have any comments about the election, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of the Clerk or email elections@greyhighlands.ca.
Contact Us