Open air burning within the Municipality of Grey Highlands is regulated by an Open Air Burning By-law. A burn permit is required for all open air burning within the Municipality. Whether you are having a small backyard campfire or clearing your property of brush, a burn permit is required.
Burn permits are now available online
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Fire Hazard Index Explanation |
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Fire Ban
Failure to Comply |
A burn permit is required for all burning within the Municipality of Grey Highlands. As required by the Ontario Fire Code, open-air burning is only permitted with approval from the Fire Chief which is granted in the form of an authorized burn permit obtained from the Municipality of Grey Highlands (By-law 2020-046). Failure to obtain a burn permit could result in penalties under the authority of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 which states: "An individual convicted of an offence is liable to, in the case of an offence for contravention of the fire code, a fine of not more than $50,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than one year, or to both." In the event the Fire Service respond to an open air burn conducted without a permit, or in violation of the conditions of the permit, the full costs of extinguishment apply and may be charged to the property owner and/or permit holder. These charges are at the discretion of the Chief Fire Official and are outlined in Schedule I of the Fees and Charges By-law (2012-63). Additional Set Fines are outlined in Schedule A of the Open Air Burning By-law 2020-046. |
Campfire/Bonfire/Burn Barrel Permit |
For a campfire/bonfire, the burn radius shall not exceed 1 meter in diameter, and shall be a minimum of 3 meters from any combustible surface, structure or vegetation. Where very young children (toddlers) are present, a barricade suitable to prevent them from reaching the fire or any hot surfaces shall be erected surrounding the fire area. For burn barrels, the materials shall be contained in a barrel with a capacity no greater than 205 litres. Only clean dry wood may be burned. Pressure treated or glued wood fire products shall not be burned. Additional conditions can be found in the Open Air Burning By-law. A permit in this category is available for a fee of $20.00 and is valid for one full year. The fee is also applicable for farm properties wishing to have a campfire/burn barrel/bonfire on their property. |
Agricultural/Non-Agricultural Burn Permits |
Agricultural - This type of permit is intended for farmers to conduct controlled open air burning for the purposes of vegetation disposal, including brush and tree limbs on farmland or natural by-products, incidental to farming purposes. Non-Agricultural - This type of permit is intended for non-agricultural residence (outside urban/ residential areas) and all burns not related to agriculture with a burn area larger than the 1 meter circumference that is permitted for a Campfire/Bonfire/Burn Barrel. In addition to the conditions set out in the Open Air Burning By-law (2020-046) the permit holder must ensure compliance with the following:
The permit holder shall ensure that the volume of materials burned at one time does not exceed a quantity that can be safely managed with on site extinguishment capabilities. Regardless of those capabilities, the maximum pile size shall not exceed 20 feet long x 20 feet wide x 6 feet high. A permit in this category is valid for 3 weeks from approval date. The permit fee of $20.00 is waived for farming operations. |
How Are Permit Applications Approved? |
Campfire/Bonfire/Burn Barrel Permits are approved by automation without needing to wait.
Applications for Agricultural and Non-Agricultural burns are reviewed by the Fire Prevention Division before being approved. Please allow 1 Business Day for approval. In some instances a site visit my be required. |
What if Someone Complains About My Burning? |
You won't be charged if you have a burn permit and follow Grey Highlands Open Air Burning By-law (2020-046).
However, if the smoke from your burn causes a nuisance for your neighbour, or vehicular traffic, you will be asked to put out your fire.
If you are not following the Open-Air Burning By-law, you will have to pay the fees for service (cost of trucks and personnel to respond to the burn complaint). You may also be charged under the By-law. |
Report a Burn Complaint? |
Have a Burn Complaint? - During Office Hours (Monday-Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm): contact Fire Enforcement: 519-986-1216 ext 227 or - Holidays / Afterhours: Depending on the severity either contact 9-1-1 ask for the Fire Department and explain the situation.
By-law Enforcement: email or call the dispatch line at 1-226-910-1322
Burn complaints remain anonymous, but we may request contact information to follow up (for additional complaint information). |
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