Asset Management Plan |
The Municipality of Grey Highlands Asset Management Plan is for core infrastructure services such as water, wastewater, storm, roads and bridges. It provides reference for renewing, operating, maintaining, building, replacing and disposing of core infrastructure assets. The 2020 Asset Management Plan was presented in Council in November of 2021. Visit our Asset Management page for more information. |
Climate Action Report |
Read the Grey Highlands Climate Action Report which was produced by the Grey Highlands Climate Action Committee Task Force (CACT) in 2021. |
Development Charges Background Study |
2022 Development Charges Background Study Visit the Development Charges page for all information related to DC's. |
Economic Development Strategy |
View the Economic Development Strategy prepared by McSweeny & Associates. |
Emergency Management Plan |
Visit our Emergency Management page to view the Grey Highlands Emergency Management Plan and the County Plan. |
Official Plan |
The Municipality of Grey Highlands Official Plan consists of policies that govern land use for long-term growth. It is under regular review to make sure that it meets changing needs. |
Audited Financial Statements |
Pursuant to Section 295(1), Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, notice is hereby given that the |
Pedestrian Safety Study |
The Pedestrian Safety Presentation was presented at the December 20, 2023 Council meeting. The Draft Pedestrian Safety Study was also included at the same meeting. |
Recreation Master Plan |
RC Strategies presented their working paper to members of Council during a Committee of the Whole meeting in March 2022. The working paper summarized the consultants' findings and provided parameters for the formation of a strategy based on early analysis of the data. Following the Committee of the Whole meeting, and taking Council feedback into consideration, the consultants developed the working paper into the final Recreation Master Plan document. |
Road Management Plan |
View the 2023 Road Management Plan prepared by R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited. |
Strategic Plan |
The Grey Highlands Strategic Plan will guide the Municipality through 2027. It acts as a tool to help determine key issues and forms a basis of actions while outlining focus Areas to accomplish goals. |
Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan |
This Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan provides an outline of the framework for planning future projects and developments (i.e. sewage and water) for existing and future land use. Through long range infrastructure planning, the Municipality can comprehensively identify future needs and establish viable infrastructure options. |
Building Condition Assessment |
The Building Condition Assessment Reports were completed in 2023, and provide an overview of the physical condition of 63 municipal buildings to help inform decision making and for asset management planning purposes. |
Water and Wastewater Rate Study |
View the 2021 Water and Wastewater Rate Study. |
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