[re]VIEW 2020
Economic and Community Development Department
The year opened with the optimism that accompanies the start of a new decade, and there was great word play and prognostication around “2020 vision” and what it would mean for the coming year.
Unfortunately, as we turned the calendar page to January 2020, few could imagine that the world would be dealing with the impacts of a global pandemic, the likes of which hadn’t been seen since the Spanish flu of 1918.
Like everyone across the globe, the pandemic tested us and shifted our focus. We had planned to be out in the community, at events and in coffee shops, meeting with our community face-to-face, having meaningful discussions, and soliciting input on the future of Grey Highlands.
Instead, we had to find new ways to support and assist our community as we navigated the realities of COVID-19. We reached out to our business community to understand their needs, share information, and find ways to support them during these unprecedented times.
What we learned, more than anything, was that Grey Highlands is resilient. Grey Highlands is strong. Grey Highlands can and will pivot to meet the changing world. Grey Highlands is community.
We are honoured to be able to continue supporting our Grey Highlands community.
Please click here (or on the image below) to read [re]VIEW 2020.