Planning services is responsible for the overall planning and policy direction for land development in the municipality. This includes the Official Plan and Comprehensive Zoning By-law administration, as well as the review and process of development applications and recommendations for Council.
Planning Services is responsible for:
- Preparing planning policy and looking after related documents such as the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law; and
- Processing and evaluating development applications
Want to look up your property? You can access your property information on the Grey County public GIS site.
Information on the Beaver Valley Development Group Subdivision Application, including the Notice of Meeting for the June 12th public meeting can be found here. There is an FAQ document with answers to the most commonly asked questions.
Information on the Talisman Resort Redevelopment, including the application documents can be found here.
Consent (Severance) |
A property owner who wishes to:
Consent applications are heard before the Committee of Adjustment and meetings are held monthly. Property owners must consult with Planning staff prior to submitting an application. |
Minor Variance |
A variance is a minor change to the zoning by-law for a specific property. When an item in the zoning by-law can't be met, a variance is needed. Property owners must consult with Planning staff prior to submitting a Minor Variance application. |
Official Plan Amendment |
The Official Plan sets out the general vision, goals and objectives for the municipality. It describes the policies on how land should be used. The Official Plan provides a framework for the municipal zoning by-law and ensures that future growth meets the needs of our community.
An Official Plan application is required to change the designation of lands for a specific use. Property owners must consult with Planning staff prior to submitting an application. |
Site Plan Control |
Site Plan Approval is required for properties within a certain zone. These include all commercial, industrial and institutional zoned properties. Site Plan approval must be granted prior to building permits being issued. Property owners must consult with Planning staff prior to submitting a Site Plan application. |
Zoning By-law Amendment |
Every property within Grey Highlands is subject to policies in the Zoning By-law. A zoning by-law contains provisions that regulate the use, size, height, density and location of buildings on properties. The by-law consists of maps to show what zone each property is in and the permitted uses for each zone. Property owners must consult with Planning staff prior to submitting a Zoning By-law Amendment application. |
Communication Tower Protocol |
Industry Canada is the Federal Government Department responsible for regulating telecommunications in Canada. Under the Radiocommunication Act, Industry Canada acts as the approval authority for the establishment of radiocommunication and broadcasting apparatuses such as antenna systems (this may include masts, towers, and other supporting structures). The purpose of this Municipal Protocol and Guideline is to clearly outline the land use consultation process to be followed by telecommunication carriers when submitting a proposal to modify or install a telecommunication tower within the Municipality of Grey Highlands for both non-municipal-owned properties and on municipal-owned properties.
Forest Management |
Forest Management is handled by the County of Grey. Before you decide to cut down or alter trees you should Call before you Cut.
Property owners are advised to consult with Planning staff prior to submitting an application for consideration by Council or the Committee of Adjustment.
A listing of current planning applications is available on our Document Center. The list is currently being updated.
Postal Strike Impacts to Planning Notices:
A listing of all planning notices is available on our Document Centre.
Please be aware that all communications supplied to the Municipality may be made available to the public. All comments received in relation to a public planning application will be included in the public planning file that is accessible to the public once supplied to the Planning Department and may include any contact information supplied unless expressly requested otherwise.
Appealing a Planning Decision |
The Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) is an independent administrative tribunal responsible for hearing appeals on a variety of contentious municipal matters. The Notice of Decision from the municipality will notify you on how you should file your appeal. Appeals are generally filed with the municipality, and the Clerk or delegated person is required to forward the appeal to OLT. |
Am I eligible to file an appeal? |
Appeal eligibility is identified in the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, cP.13. |
Where can I find Information on the Appeal Tribunal? |
Information on the Ontario Land Tribunal is available at their website. Where can I get assistance in filing an appeal or obtaining information? The OLT Citizen Liaison may be able to assist if you have questions on the appeal process. You can reach the Citizen Liaison by sending an email to For general inquiries, you can call the Public Inquiry line at (416) 212-6349 or toll free (866) 448-2248. The OLT Appeal Guide is also a helpful document. |
How much does it cost to file an appeal? |
The filing fees will depend on the type of appeal being made. A fee chart is available on the OLT website here. Fees are payable by certified cheque, money order, or credit card, and must be in Canadian funds. Certified cheques and money orders should be made payable to the “Minister of Finance”. If you would like to pay the fee by credit card, please indicate this on the appeal form and OLT staff will contact you directly to complete the transaction. |
What Forms Do I Require? |
The Appellant/Applicant Form (Appeal Form A1) is available on OLT's website here. |
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