The Building Services Department is the body responsible for enforcing Ontario's Building Code in the municipality. They are responsible for permits for construction, renovation, septic, demolition and certain changes of use of buildings.
Septic permits and on-site sewage system approvals and enforcement is also the responsibility of Building Services.
Building permits allow the municipality to protect the interests of both individuals and the community. By reviewing building plans before any work is done, the municipality can ensure that buildings comply with the Ontario Building Code, conservation authorities, and the local planning and zoning by-laws.
A Homeowner's Guide to Building - this guide is intended to help you (the homeowner) better understand the requirements for building as set by applicable law, which could either by a Municipal By-law, a Provincial Statute or a combination of both. This guide also helps to explain our fees and charges.
Septic Smart - this guide is intended to help you understand your home's septic system.
Building, Septic and Demolition Permits are all available online! Click the Permits tab for more information and the link to apply.
Permits |
Apply for Your Permit Online! Grey Highlands is pleased to offer residents, builders, and the business community cloudpermit - an online system to apply for and track your building permits. The Cloudpermit building permit system allows you to apply for and to see the status of your application anywhere, at any time. You can start an application and finish it later, and receive email updates on the status of your permit application. To start, please click the button below: NEED HELP? Click here - How to Create a Building Permit Application Grey Highlands is pleased to offer residents, builders, and the business community Cloudpermit – an online system to apply for and track your building permits. The Evolve building permit system allows you to apply for and to see the status of your application anywhere, at any time. You can start an application and finish it later, and receive email updates on the status of your permit application. To Create an Account To get started with Evolve, you need to Create an Account. Note you will need an email address to use the system. 1. Go to the Cloudpermit site at 2. Click on “Create a New Account” found under the "continue" arrow. 3. Provide your email address. 4. Cloudpermit will send an email to the address you have provided. 5. Open the email and complete the registration process. The next time you visit the site, you'll login using your email and password.
If you need assistance, or a paper copy of the application, please contact a member of our Building Department team. |
Development Charges |
Visit the Development Charges page for all information related to DC's. |
Inspections |
Inspections are required during construction and are listed on your building permit. Contact building staff to book an inspection at 519-986-2811 Ext. 401
Normal inspections include:
Please note the Municipality does not review or inspect electrical work. Contact the Electrical Safety Authority at 1-877-421-2228 for electrical permits.
Building Services Fees and Charges Schedule |
Fees are listed in our Fees and Charges Schedule |
Drawing Requirements |
Two copies of drawings are required for all permit applications: House Construction
House Additions
Detached garages and sheds
Septic systems
What requires a permit? |
When in doubt if a permit is needed, please consult with Building Services staff. |
What does not require a permit |
When in doubt if a permit is needed, please consult with Building Services staff. |
Fences |
The Municipality of Grey Highlands regulates fences through our Zoning By-law (Height restrictions on page 48).
For information or disputes between neighbours about fences on property lines, please see the Line Fences Act and our Question and Answer page. Please note that the municipality does not get involved in property line disputes.
Please also note: The person applying for the fence viewing in response to a dispute is responsible for the payment of application fees in accordance with the fees and charges by-law for each boundary line fence under dispute (current costs in 2022 is $200/boundary line). The parties to the dispute will also be held responsible for the payment of the fence viewers time and mileage in arbitrating the dispute, as well as the construction of the fence in accordance with the award of the viewers. The description of the fence (including length, height, materials, posts painting, staining, etc.) is the sole decision of the fence viewers. The award determination (allocation of costs) may not be 50/50 and is also at the sole discretion of the fence viewers. The decision of the viewers is binding upon the parties. |
Septic Information |
The Municipality of Grey Highlands encourages you to properly maintain and service your septic system. A building permit is required to replace, remove, enlarge, or install a septic system. |
Site Plan and Lot Grading Requirements |
Site plan: Means a scaled drawing showing lot lines, buildings or structures existing and/or proposed on a lot, and including such details as parking areas, access point, landscaped areas, building areas, setbacks from lot lines, building heights, floor area, lot coverage, lighting, septic tank tile fields, utility lines, site servicing details, grading and drainage and stormwater management. Lot Grading: Means a Site Plan providing Grading / Drainage and Servicing detail, completed by a Competent Designer – Professional Engineer (P.Eng.), a Certified Engineering Technologist (C.E.T.) or an Ontario Land Surveyor (OLS). For more details Click here. |
Radon Gas Mitigation |
Radon Gas Mitigation requirements checklist. |
Resources |
Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association (OOWA) Septic System Basics for Homeowners This video addresses the basics of how a septic system functions and provides best maintenance practices for homeowners
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