AGCO Liquor Licence - Municipal Information Form |
The AGCO requires a Municipal Information Form to be completed by the Municipality for every new Liquor license or for modifications to existing licenses. Please visit the AGCO website for more information.
Upon receipt of complete application and additional information, the Clerk will internally circulate and provide the approval if there are no concerns raised within 30 days. Should any concerns be raised, the application shall go to Council for approval. Note: Additional approval letters from Building, Fire and Public Health that may be required by the AGCO is additional to this process and must be requested separately from those departments. |
Address Change Form |
To notify our Finance Department of an address change for tax and utility accounts, please complete and submit the change of address form and email to |
Backyard Poultry Registration |
In certain zones, the keeping of backyard poultry is permitted in Grey Highlands. An application for the keeping of backyard poultry must be submitted to the the Municipality who will keep a registry of owners. There is no fee to register. Fill out the Registration Form and it will be submitted for approval. For more information, see the Keeping of Backyard Poultry By-law 2022-055 which outlines the process, requirements and contraventions of keeping backyard poultry. |
Building Permit Application |
Any construction that occurs in the Municipality requires a building permit application. The Municipality of Grey Highlands is pleased to offer all of our building permit applications online. Additional information can be found on our building and development page. |
Bulk Fill Account Request Form |
Bulk Fill Account Request Form |
Burn Permit |
Whether you are having a small backyard campfire or clearing your property of brush, a burn permit is required. Burn permits are now available online click here. Our Fire and Emergency page contain more information on the various types of burn permits. |
Civic Addressing (Fire Number) |
If you have a property that does not have a Fire Number issued, you can apply for a civic number Please submit the completed form to |
Committee Member Application Form |
Our Committee Member Application form is used for all Boards and Committees of Council. Vacancies to Boards and Committees will be posted in Employment Opportunities. |
Complaint Form |
Our Complaint Form can be filled out and either emailed to the Municipal Office, emailed to the By-law Enforcement Officer if the complaint is by-law related, or brought into the Municipal Office. |
Contractor Waste Disposal Site Authorization Form |
A property owner may use the Contractor Waste Disposal Site Authorization Form to authorize a contractor to deposit waste that has been generated within the Grey Highlands to the appropriate Waste Disposal Site on their behalf. |
Delegation to Council Form |
Delegations and Presentations are provided for by the Municipal Procedure By-law and completion of the delegation form facilitates administration of the requests to appear before Council. Visit our Appear Before Council page for more information. |
Decommissioning a Septic Tank |
The Municipality of Grey Highlands encourages you to properly decommission your septic tank/sewage system when hooking up to Town services or demolishing a house. A permit is required for the decommissioning or it can be part of the demolition permit obtained when demolishing a house.
For more details click here. |
Demolition Permit |
Any demolition that occurs in the Municipality requires a demolition permit application. We now do all of our demolition permits online! Demolition Permit Release Application. Additional information can be found on our building and development page. |
Dog Tag Application |
All dog owners are required to purchase a dog tag/licence at the beginning of each year. Please visit out Animal Control page for more information. 2025 Dog tag application form can be mailed with payment or purchased at the Grey Highlands Municipal Office. |
Entrance Permit |
An entrance permit application may be required of all persons, agencies, corporations (private or public) or institutions for a new entrance (driveway) or change to an existing entrance on any Municipal road. The County of Grey has permit requirements for access onto County roads. Their permit process and detailed information can be found on on the County's website. Please submit the completed form to |
Freedom of Information Request Form |
Anyone wishing to obtain information kept by the municipality should contact the Clerk, who will advise if a Freedom of Information (FOI) Request if needed or not. The Freedom Of Information Request Form will need to be completed and returned to the Clerk's department with a $5 fee. More information is available on our Freedom of Information page. |
Grant Application (Community Grant Program) |
This policy governs community-based grants to support initiatives that benefit the Grey Highlands community and are aligned within specified granting priorities that support the Municipality’s strategic values and goals. |
Heritage Designated Renovation Request |
Building permit applications for additions or renovations are reviewed by Grey Highlands Council and the Heritage Committee to ensure suitability Heritage Renovation Request Form |
Kennel Application |
All dog kennels are required to have the appropriate zoning in place to permit a kennel. A maximum of three (3) licensed dogs are allowed per household before a kennel license is needed. |
Livestock Claim Form |
For information on the program or to submit a claim, contact the Clerks Office, 519-986-1216 ext. 242. |
Locate Request Form |
To request a locate, visit the Ontario One Call site to submit your request online. |
Lottery Licence |
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission (AGCO) is responsible for administering the lottery licensing program in the Province of Ontario. Municipalities and the AGCO Are responsible for issuing lottery licences to eligible charitable and religious organizations. Quick Reference Guide
The Order-In-Council provides municipalities with licensing authority for:
All lottery licence applications and reports can be returned to the Clerk's Office at the Municipal Office. For more information on Lottery Licensing please visit the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario. |
Marriage Licence |
Grey Highlands has been chosen to be part of the Ontario Marriage Licensing Modernization project to streamline the marriage application process. As of May 6, we are not permitted to accept marriage licence applications by email. Ontario’s online marriage licence application is being introduced through a phased-in implementation, with province-wide expansion targeted by early 2025. Starting May 6, 2024 you can access the new online portal for marriage licence applications at Learn about what you need before you marry, the documents required, who can perform a marriage in Ontario and more at Marriage licence application forms can also be submitted in person by at least one of the individuals getting married. The application form must be signed by both parties and two pieces of government issued identification for each party are required along with copies of any divorce orders if applicable. Marriage licences are submitted and issued at the Grey Highlands Municipal Office. Marriage licences are submitted and issued at the Grey Highlands Municipal Office. Please ensure you allow sufficient time time (approximately 1 week) for your licence to be processed. Please see the Fees and Charges By-law for current fee associated with processing a marriage license. |
Milestone Certificate Request Form |
Grey Highlands is proud to celebrate the achievements of its residents and businesses. Upon request, the municipality can prepare certificates on behalf of the Mayor and Council, for residents celebrating milestone Birthdays or Anniversaries (wedding and businesses) To request a certificate submit the form to the municipal office. Please provide sufficient time to issue the certificate. |
Oversize Load Permit Applications |
Oversize Load Permit By law 2015-17 and Regular Oversize Load Permit application.
Completed forms can be emailed to |
Pre-Authorized Tax and Utility Payment Plan Form |
The Municipality of Grey Highlands offers a convenient pre-authorized payment (PAP) plan for your tax and utility bills. With a choice of monthly withdrawals or installment due date withdrawals. Fill out the PAP form and submit it to the Finance Department. |
Refreshment Vehicle Licence |
The Municipality of Grey Highlands requires all refreshment vehicles within the corporate limits of Grey Highlands to be licensed. |
Sale of Surplus Lands |
The Sale of Surplus Lands Policy is to ensure that transparent and accountable processes are followed in the disposal of all real property and to ensure that returns are fair, reasonable and in the best interests of the Municipality. If you wish to make a request for the disposal of municipal property please fill out the Sale of Surplus Lands Request Form and submit it to |
Septic Permit Application |
Major and minor changes or repairs to a septic systems require a septic permit application as schedule 2 of the building permit application. Septic permit application are now available online. |
Sign Permit |
Signs are regulated under the Municipality's Sign By-Law and may require a permit. |
Site Alteration & Fill By-law |
Site Alteration By-law 2023-083 Schedule 'B' Site Alteration Permit Application Form Schedule 'C' Site Alteration Registration Form A By-law to permit Site Alteration projects and to regulate the hauling of fill within the Municipality of Grey Highlands and to be known as the Site Alteration and Fill By-law. |
Special Event Permit |
Special events which occur within the Municipality of Grey Highlands require a special event permit. Completed Special Event applications can be returned to the Municipal Office at 206 Toronto Street South, Markdale. |
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