Council Highlights April 17, 2024
Posted On Thursday April 18, 2024
This is a summary of the meeting items and not inclusive of all agenda items. All items are contained in the minutes.
- Council approved 2024 Program Updates to the Community Improvement Program to reflect the prioritization of façade, building improvements, and signage improvements while also focusing on improving accessibility.
- A report on the feasibility of year-round washrooms in public parks was deferred to the August 7th Council meeting to receive a staff report with more information.
- Council received the Joint Waste and Diversion Site Committee minutes and approved the recommendation to reduce site hours by 1 day per week at the Markdale Holland Waste Disposal Site.
- Council supported awarding RFT-F18-2024-04 Alice Street Reconstruction to MacDonnell Excavating Ltd.
- Council received an update on the Flesherton Connecting Link project and approved the sidewalk installation with a retaining wall to improve connectivity within the overall sidewalk network for Flesherton. The sidewalk will provide a safer alternative for pedestrians to access the downtown area and a controlled intersection.
- A notice of motion by Councillor Dubyk was approved to establish a Lake Management Task Force to develop lake management plans for Lake Eugenia, Irish Lake, Wilcox Lake, and Brewster’s Lake.
- Councillor Wickens will bring a notice of motion to the next meeting regarding providing water to Feversham Park.
- Councillor Dubyk will be bring a notice of motion to the next Council meeting regarding ice rental rates.
- A closed session was held with four items on the agenda. There was no direction coming out of the closed session.
- Upcoming Meetings:
- 2024-04-23 @ 1:30 pm - Heritage Grey Highlands
- 2024-04-24 @ 9:00 am - Committee of the Whole
- 2024-04-29 @ 10:00 am - Financial Assistance Committee
- 2024-04-29 @ 5:00 pm - Public Planning Hearing
- 2024-05-01 @ 10:00 am - Council
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